Walkwel Chilblains Ointment - Foot and Hand Cream
The Walkwel Chilblains Treatment is “a natural remedy for the treatment of chilblains”. It is a silky, nourishing, super-concentrated ointment that has been developed by Walkwel Podiatrist Sangeeta Dhall in collaboration with renowned scientist Dr. Klara Valko .
There is enough concentrated ointment to treat an individual over the winter season under normal usage conditions, depending on the severity of the chilblains (also called Pernio).
The Walkwel Chilblains Ointment is specifically designed to provide relief, leaving the affected area relieved of pain, reduces the burning, the itching, and then begins to reverse the damage done, clearing up chilblains in days (usually 1-7).
If the treatment plan is followed it ensures that the chilblain does not return. So if you are suffering from painful redness to dark blue of the skin, itching, inflammation, broken skin and sometimes blisters, on the toes, fingers, ears or nose (the extremities), you are likely to have damage to the capillary beds (Chilblains) and our treatment is specifically designed to solve your problem.
This carefully prepared Chilblains Ointment was specifically created and combines a unique combination of ingredients, repairing and protecting you from ravages of Chilblains. Whether you need our chilblains cure for the treatment of chilblains on fingers, the treatment of chilblains on toes, or for the treatment of chilblains on the feet, ears and or nose, our product will help.
Customers who are suffering from the added complications of Lupus, Raynaud’s disease and Frostbite may also derive benefit from using this treatment.